World Health Organization – WHO
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The success and integrity of any system in the world today depends greatly on the quality and validity of its data which is translated into different forms of report for the use of both internal and external stakeholders of the organization.
This project is centered around the use of an electronic database application to improve collection, management and monitoring of Heartland Alliance International activities across all its directorates.
- Integrating data from multiple sources and programs centrally.
- Reducing time and cost to accessing historical data
- Standardizing data across the ministries and donors
- Performing complex analyses easily.
- Improving turnaround time for analysis and reporting/ data sharing to enable easy accessibility of data
- To provide a comprehensive MIS solution where data accessibility is made easy.
- To fully track DPPI’s activities using the data generated via the system.
- Generation of parametric reports on various data elements using tables, charts, graphs to suit DPPI’s reporting indicators
- To improve Directorate activity planning and management PRS and other decision making entities rely on the information from the system for strategic planning.
- PRS and other decision making entities rely on the information from the system for strategic planning
Data Entry
DPPI DHIS2 application serves as a data collection, recording and compilation tool, and all data (be it in numbers or text form) can be captured into it. Data entry is done on customized user defined forms based on the original data entry template paper forms. A module for data entry have been created where the reporting unit, activity to be reported on as well as the period of report are selected to display a data entry form.Data Approval
Data Approval
DPPI DHIS2 application has an optional feature that allows authorized users to approve data that has been entered. It allows data to be reviewed and approved at selected levels in the reporting flow hierarchy, so the approval follows the structure of the hierarchy from lower levels to higher levels. After a data of a reporting unit, regulatory activity and period combination has been approved, the data entry form will be locked and any further data entry or modification will be prohibited, unless it is later un-approved by user with such authority.
DPPI DHIS2 reporting module provides a range of reporting alternatives to view and analyze data
Various report functionalities have been configured to track:
- Reporting facilities, chefdom, districts, directorates and offices that have submitted data for the month
- Raw data from either the source reporting unit or aggregated at higher reporting levels.
- Charts and report table design
- Dashboard customization
- Third party reporting media like the MS Excel which is plugged to the database to pull information as and when needed.
- Immediate access to all Health Strengthening System information across the districts and directorates.
- Data to inform policy making on Regulatory implementations.
- Ability to scale-up best practices to ensuring that only the right quality data are disseminated and used.
- Timely and up-to-date information of Regulatory activities of DPPI.
- Improved information management systems which will improve various regulations in safeguarding the lives of the Sierra Leone citizen.
- Access to DPPI regulatory data for more robust planning and resource allocation.
- Instant identification of lapses to regulatory activities.
- Data could be used to maximize logistics efficiencies and improve development of guidelines.