Human Resource For Health Information System
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The dearth of reliable health workforce information in Nigeria makes planning difficult for decision makers at various tiers of the health system. Data on health workforce are scattered, incomplete and lack integrity since various stakeholders collect and collate bits and pieces without recourse to any standard. It is against this background that two major policy frameworks, including the National Human Resources for Health Policy (2008-2012) and the National Health Strategic Plan (NHSDP 2010-2015), identified the 4 development of a health workforce database as one of the strategies to enhance evidence based health workforce planning in Nigeria.
As part of its health systems strengthening mandate, Centrifuge Information Technology Limited developed a Web based Human Resources for Health Information System (HRHIS); with the aim of improving the day-to-day management of the workforce in states. It is expected that the HRHIS will provide a better understanding of the health workforce picture in the state(s); help decision makers to effectively plan for recruitment, training and retention of health professionals; and ultimately ensure the deployment of the right health workers in the right places to meet their health care needs of the population.
Human Resources for Health Information System (HRHIS) is a comprehensive Web based solution developed to track health professionals’ data from the time they enter training until they leave the health workforce. The software also enables the effective generation of reports and analyzes them to meet up with the various needs of key stakeholders in the health sector from the national level to the facility level. It is a tried and tested application currently in use in Enugu, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos states.
To track health worker’s information (bio-data, educational history, employment history, and registration/licensing.
To support the management of health workforce (promotion, transfer, leave, discipline,
retirement planning and continuing professional development)
To track pre-service education and training (Enrollment and Graduation in health
Generation of parametric reports on various data elements using charts, graphs to suit
the health sector reporting indicators and inform decision making.
The development of the Human Resources for Health Information System was carried out in close collaboration with all stakeholders. The development team envisions the development of “A state of the art” HRHIS, which is hosted on the web as a browser-based application with a robust enterprise design based on the context and peculiarity of HRH in Nigeria. The various features of the HRHIS software include the following

Generation of parametric reports on various data elements using charts, graphs to suit
the health sector reporting indicators and inform decision making.

The system Meta data model is completely flexible. This implies that no development effort is needed to cater for special requirements for data entry or analysis. For instance, the system allows for a flexible organizational hierarchy

Because of wide range of software applications developed with different programming language, interoperability and harmonization of data values with Meta data often pose a lot of challenges where one or both of the software is/are tweaked to allow for interaction between them. HRHIS system was configured has ensured that data transmission mechanism is configured to be compatible with the Data Exchange Format DXF of DHIS2 for aggregate data.

Web based
It is a web application based on standard Java technology. This means that the application runs on any web server that supports Java Servlets and can be accessed via a web browser over the internet.

Platform independent
It runs on any platform for which there exist a Java Runtime Environment, in practice all popular platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris

Multi-dimensional set-up
HRHIS will function as online at the state level and offline at the district or facility level where internet availability is not readily available. Data synchronization to the federal database will then occur in batches whenever internet is available.
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